Fuel and Combustion Lab
1.single-cylinder engines Universal drive and brake unit

This test stand measures the power output of internal combustion engines delivering up to 3kW. The complete test stand consists of three main elements: The CT 159 for mounting of the engine and as a control unit, the universal drive and brake unit HM 365 as a load unit and a choice of engine: four-stroke diesel engine (CT 151), two-stroke petrol engine (CT 153) or four-stroke petrol engine (CT 150).
2.ICE Maker trainer

This trainer has been designed to study the thermodynamic cycle of an ice maker. The evaporator is equipped with some special profiles onto which water is sprayed by a set of nozzles. Thus, the evaporator is always covered by an ever growing ice layer. When ice is made, a timer stops the water spraying and hot gas is sent to the evaporator so that ice cubes can fall into the proper basin. Ice production capacity varies according to the efficiency of the cycle that depends on the environmental conditions.
3.Computerized bench for the study of air conditioning

This bench is designed for the complete and exhaustive study of thermodynamic transformations the air undergoes when crossing the sections of an air-conditioning control unit. Thermometric and hygrometric sensors are installed before and after each section so that they enable to assess the changes occurred. An application software ensures the control and supervision from a PC (supplied on demand).
4.Visualization of streamlines

used to visualize streamline fields for flows around drag bodies and flow through changes in cross-section. The streamlines are displayed in colour by injecting a contrast medium (ink). Sources and sinks are generated via four water connections in the bottom plate. The streamlines can be clearly observed through the glass plate during flow around and flow through. The water flow rate and the quantity of contrast medium injected can be adjusted by valves. The water connections are also activated by valves and can be combined as required. Individual models can be cut out of a rubber plate that is included.
5.Absorption refrigeration systems

Refrigerating plants make use of the fact that a refrigerant evaporates at low pressure. In abs absorption refrigeration systems, the absorption of ammonia in the water produces this low pressure. The absorption process is driven by thermal energy, which can come for example from industrial waste heat or solar collectors to operate these systems.
6.Bernoulli's principle

experimental unit is used to investigate Bernoulli's Principle. A Venturi nozzle with six pressure measuring points is used as the measuring instrument. The six static pressures and the total pressure are displayed on a panel with seven manometer tubes. In addition, the total pressure can be measured at various points on the Venturi nozzle. Measurements are carried out using a probe that can move in an axial direction to the Venturi nozzle. The probe is sealed by a compression gland. The water supply is drawn either from the HM 150 Base Module for Experiments in Fluid Mechanics or from the laboratory network. The HM 150 can be used to set up a closed water circuit.
7.Water chiller

designed for use with the supply unit for heat exchangers WL 110. The setpoint temperature is specified via the touch screen of the PLC in WL 110. The cold-water supply also completes other units that have specific water supply requirements, for example CE 310, ET 262, WL 376 orWL 210. In this case, the setpoint temperature is specified directly on the controller. The cold-water supply allows reasonable operation at high ambient and water temperatures. The unit is equipped with an integral refrigeration system, water tank and circulating pump. In the water tank, a pipe coil acts as an evaporator for the refrigeration cycle and cools the water. An electronic controller keeps the water temperature constant.
8.Shell & tube heat exchanger

Shell and tube heat exchangers are in widespread use. The main advantages of this design are the large heat transfer surface and the compact design. Shell and tube heat exchangers are used in the chemical and pharmaceutical indus-tries, in refineries and in process engin-eering plants
9.Radial and linear heat conduction

Heat conduction is one of the three basic forms of heat transfer. Kinetic energy is transferred between neighbouring atoms or molecules. The heat transport is material-bound. This type of heat transfer is an irreversible process and transports heat from the higher energy level, i.e. higher absolute temperature, to the lower level with lower temperature. If the heat transport is maintained permanently by means of the supply of heat, this is called steady heat conduction. The most common application of heat conduction in engineering is in heat exchangers.
10.Vertical flow from a tank

pressure losses in the flow from tanks are essentially the result of two processes: the jet deflection upon entry into the opening and the wall friction in the opening. As a result of the pressure losses the real discharge is smaller than the theoretical flow rate. The device determines these losses at different flow rates. Different diameters as well as inlet and outlet contours of the openings can be studied. Additionally, the contraction coefficient can be determined as a characteristic for different contours.
11.Horizontal flow from a tank

Hydrodynamics considers the relationship between the trajectory, the outlet contour and the outlet velocity during flow from tanks. These considerations have practical applications in hydraulic engineering or in the design of bottom outlets in dams, for example the device allows a user to study and visualise the profile of a water jet. Additionally, the contraction coefficient can be determined as a characteristic for different contours.
12.Pipe friction for laminar / turbulent flow

During flow through pipes, pressure losses occur due to internal friction and friction between the fluid and the wall. When calculating pressure losses, we need to know the friction factor, a dimensionless number. The friction factor is determined with the aid of the Reynolds number, which describes the ratio of inertia forces to friction forces.
13.Base module for experiments in fluid mechanics

devices permits a varied experimental cross-section in the fundamentals of fluid mechanics. The base module HM 150 provides the basic equipment for individual experiments: the supply of water in the closed circuit; the determination of volumetric flow rate and the positioning of the experimental unit on the working surface of the base module and the collection of dripping water.
14.Free and forced convection

Convection is one of the three basic forms of heat transfer. Material-bound heat transport takes place. During convection the fluid is in motion. The WL 440 offers basic experiments for targeted teaching on the topic of free and forced convection on various heating elements. At the heart of the experimental unit is a vertical air duct into which various heating elements are inserted. An axial fan is located on top of the air duct. The fan draws in ambient air and guides it through the air duct. The air flows past a heating element and absorbs heat.
15.Radiation heat transfer

Thermal radiation is a non-material bound energy transport by means of electromagnetic oscillations in a certain wavelength range. Any body with a temperature above zero Kelvin emits radiation known as thermal radiation. Thermal radiation includes UV radiation, light radiation and infrared radiation. Light radiation covers the wavelength range visible to the human eye.